Estepona introduces pick up and go electric scooters and bikes!
They are located in 32 key areas of the city enabled for parking.
Electric scooters and bicycles are already distributed throughout the city of Estepona. As announced by the City Council, the new Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP) service has come into operation. For the first time, Estepona offers an economical and environmentally friendly transport model, with different offers of daily or monthly plans that will allow residents and tourists alike to use these electric scooters and pedal-assisted bicycles that will be distributed in the 32 areas around the centre of town.
Those interested in using this transport service can do so by downloading the Dott application. After having the app installed, users only need to scan the QR code of the vehicles to unlock them. To end the trip, vehicles must park in one of the 32 parking spaces shown in the app as ‘P’. Users will need to take a photo to ensure the VPMs are parked correctly.
In addition to orderly parking, vehicles will automatically adapt their speed when entering pedestrian or residential areas, guaranteeing the safety of users and citizens alike. The company will roll out up to 125 vehicles, 50 percent of which will be electric bikes
This new transport system, which works successfully in numerous European and Spanish capitals, will facilitate travel throughout the city. These can be picked up or parked in the following areas:
– Avenida del Carmen- Urbanización Seghers
– Avenida del Carmen- Edificio Puertosol
– Plaza ABC
– Avenida de España cruce con avenida Juan Carlos I
– Avenida de España- Plaza García Caparrós
– Calle Terraza- Plaza Antonia Guerrero
– Plaza del Ajedrez
– Plaza Augusto Suárez de Figueroa
– Parque de La Constitución
– Avenida de España, plazoleta Ortíz
– Avenida Andalucía – Antiguo Cementerio
– Avenida Litoral- Estación de autobuses
– Avenida Andalucía- Glorieta Guitarrista Paco Javier Jimeno
– Avenida Andalucía cruce con avenida de Los Reales
– Avenida Andalucía- Parque El Calvario
– Avenida Andalucía cruce con avenida Juan Carlos I
– Avenida Juan Carlos I cruce con Camino del Padre Cura
– Camino del Padre Cura cruce calle Gregorio Marañón
– Polideportivo El Carmen
– Parque El Carmen
– Avenida Puerta del Mar cruce con calle Carlos Cano
– Avenida Puerta del Mar cruce con calle Ortega y Gasset
– Calle Polonia – Parque de Los Niños
– Avenida Juan Carlos I- Residencial Los Corales
– Estadio de Atletismo
– Campo de fútbol San Fernando
– IES Mar de Alborán
– Calle Guillermo Cabrera cruce con calle Espronceda
– Calle Terraza – Comisaría de Policía Nacional
– Conjunto residencial Sierra Estepona
– Camino de Los Molinos- Centro de Salud La Lobilla
– Camino Vereda de los Frailes cruce avenida Segovia